In business, attention to detail shows your professionalism and gives credibility to your words;
at university, it leads to higher grades.
Ph: (+64) 021 1150 726
C H E C K and C O R R E C T
is committed to providing you with the best possible service
to ensure your absolute satisfaction and ongoing business
Providing accurate proofreading and/or copy editing by a qualified proofreader who has a broad general knowledge plus extensive publishing and business experience.
Shelley Morison
C H E C K and C O R R E C T
P R O O F R E A D I N G & C O P Y E D I T I N G
'Oversights put right'
Assignments, Booklets, Dissertations, Essays, Research Proposals, Theses, Tutorials
Advertising, Applications, Brochures, Catalogues, CVs, Guest/ Motel Information, Manuals, Menus, Newsletters, PowerPoint Presentations, Proposals, Reports, Websites
eBooks, Blogs, Centennial Booklets, Family Histories, Formatting, Instructions, Manuscripts, Newsletters, Novels, Plays, Programmes, Short Stories.
Qualified and Experienced
All proofreaders have good English skills and an eye for detail
Some proofreaders have 34 years publishing experience in formatting, layout, editing, proofreading. Business Experience - advertising, health sector, management, sales, stationery.
Only one proofreader has
all the above PLUS a Diploma of Proofreading & Editing awarded with Excellence:
Shelley Morison at C H E C K and C O R R E C T